The Human Eye

The human eye, unlike the brain, is becoming a very well-understood organ. Thirty years ago, my uncle lost the vision in his right eye, the doctor removed the eye, slipped in a glass eye and went on. Very recently that same uncle had a retinal detachment, and is now on a list of people in line to get a new eye transplant that may restore his vision.

So, what's the controversy?

Many people in the blind world have become accustomed to there blindness. A year ago, I went to the "Dialogue in the Dark" show in Atlantic Station and was astounded to find out that my tour guide was as blind as we were throughout the presentation all her life. However, when we asked her after the show whether she would like to be able to see, she responded, "Nope, I like my life the way it is." Vision impaired individuals grow accustomed to living without the gift of sight and become perhaps more into their blind community then they were in the seeing community.